As melody pointed out, this picture really is supposed to be rotated. I didn’t notice that until I was posting it with Picasa. By then it was too late to do anything about it except cancel the post and start again. I don’t think it’s less cute if it’s sideways, though. But since she asked, I thought it only appropriate to post the shot the way it was taken. Of course, doing that makes you understand why his hand is bent the way it is. Leave it to a graphic designer to pick up on something like that. My danged family are all so artistic I can't get away with anything! Actually, that's not completely true. I get away with quite a bit if I can explain my reasons for doing it.
Það er gaman að skoða myndirnar þínar Eric. þær eru mjög flottar og það er fallegt í kringum okkur:)
Ég er með nokkrar myndir á heimasvæðinu mínu(http://hi.is/~ing1)...ég hef alltaf ætlað að setja upp svona myndasíðu...virkilega sniðugt
Mér fannst þessi best:
Myndin af kæröstunni þinni með snúðið er líka rosalega flot. Takk fyrir að láta mig vita.
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