We went out to have a picnic today. I have a favorite spot about 25 minutes away by car, in the mountains. I found it a couple of years ago, but my laziness has prevented me from going there for a picnic until today. I rustled up some tuna fish sandwiches, cookies, salad (though I forgot the forks), water, and orange juice and we headed out. This was by far the greatest weather we've had since last summer. I don't know how warm it is, but it feels like the upper 60's to me. There was a little breeze up in the mountains and that always makes it a bit chillier.
This was a great little trip out into the natural world about which I've been studying so hard lately. It charged the old batteries and gave me the opportunity to snap off 111 pictures! Here you can see only a few of them. If you want to see the rest, you'll have to send me a request for a cd along wih your address.